Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oracle ATG Search 9.3 configuration on Local (Windows 7 , 64 bit) machine

Recently installed ATG search 9.3 on local windows machine and configured search environment and index.  It was a good fun as it gave quite some errors to fix before running my first index on local machine.  I would try to give all the main steps and error faced in this process.

Lets first start with prerequisites –
You should have a working/running Store and BCC JBoss instances in your local system. I also assume that you have already installed Search 9.3 in your local ATG home.

Now let’s focus on search configuration. Kindly follow below steps in same sequence.

1) Delete any existing projects and Environments from Search Admin in BCC Admin screen.
2) Goto Store ACC and delete everything from SearchConfigurationRepository under Content. You may leave searchindex and logicalpartition items in it.

3) Set following remoteHost=localhost , remotePort=8860 in below components as per your local store.

4) Now goto BCC and create a new search project called production under Search Admin
and add content as below
ATG Repository - Local - /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig

5) Now goto "Language Customizations(Pre-Index)" under content option of new project(production)
a) Add Synonyms by using option "Select Custom Term Dictionaries"
b) Add languages like english , italian, french, german, japansese,korean using option "core language support"

6) Now add Post-Index Customizations options in the below sequence ONLY
Merchandising Search Config    - Remote - localhost:8860 - /atg/commerce/search/config/CatalogRankConfigAdapter
Refine Config (Facet Set)           - Remote - localhost:8860 - /atg/commerce/search/refinement/CatalogRefineConfigAdapter
Search Update Config (Auxiliary Data)      - Remote - localhost:8860 - /atg/commerce/search/config/SearchUpdateAdapter

7) Check the Environment - You should see one default one just rename it to production
8) Now build the index and see if it works

If you get this below error at BCC server startup then do the following ---
ERROR [IndexDeploymentService] Swap failed for index 35000001; aborting swap and tearing down staging. Swap rollback Policy Description: All physical partitions must have at least one successfully initialized search engine

1) Add this in Store jboss server run.conf file and restart your store server.
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Datg.allowRemoveAllItems=true"

2) Now goto below component in your Store server dyn/admin and do a remove-all-items on all items under SearchConfigurationRepository Item Descriptor.


3) Now do the whole setup again in BCC which we did in above steps thru 4 to 9.

Note -- You also need to increase the TransactionTimeout setting in jboss-service.xml under your store server's conf/ folder.

Note -- You also need to increase heap size setting in JBOSS_OPTS variable in Jboss run.bat file

References –

Let me know if you face any issues with Search setup or if you know of any better way to configure search.

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