Well Fridays are always charming and full of enthusiasm. It was Sun technology summit in
Apart from business and technology McNealy also discussed the concept of providing education material or tutorials for students over the net for free, and the initiative is already up and available called as “Curriki”. I feel this is really noble cause and education should be given 1st priority for any child. I request everyone to register at Curriki website and contribute as many learning material as they can to it. They have wide range of topics to choose from and membership is again free and a ClickAway (I think in his whole talk he used this word “ClickAway” most number of times)
After McNealy’s talk there were sessions on New features in J2SE 5 and 6 , SOA and Glassfish project , NetBeans Extreme, Open Solaris 10, DTrace , ZFS file system and Java Persistence API . I was really amazed to see the capabilities of NetBeans 5.5 for developing web apps so smoothly and I realized that it’s a serious kill for MS Dot NET . Now NetBeans gives you a Drop n Drag features to build complex application in no time with all framework support and
All together it was a nice experience being at the event and I hope more companies will come forward and organize such kind of talks /sessions for developer and let the world what’s really happening out there.
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