Tuesday, March 20, 2007

BarCamp Bangalore 3 - Social Tech

Guys BarCamp, Bangalore (BCB3) is back again..

The Theme - The impact of technology on society and our lives, and vice versa.

At this BarCamp we would like you guys to talk over ups and downs of technology and how technology is affecting our day to day life or rather society as whole..
A wide range of topics under one roof: e-goverence, copyright law, electronic media and many other new innovations to name a few..
So come up with your own topics, ideas and issues and help your fellow campers to gain most out of this camp.

When and Where -
Saturday-Sunday, March 31 & April 1, 2007; 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM, at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB).

Register -
Registrations for BarCamp Bangalore 3 are open. We already have 200+ registrations prior to any publicity for the event. Barcamp Bangalore typically attracts participants from around India and overseas. You can register for the event here.

Sponsors -
Interested in sponsoring the event? We love you! Step this way please
So see you campers there ...

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